Help with your next step

Help with your next steps

Whatever your career aspirations doing some research is a good way to find out what your strengths are, there are some fabulous websites and apps available!

A really good website to look at is the National Career Service website ( ). It has a great deal of info regarding career routes and job sectors.


Interested in Apprenticeships?

On the Government's apprenticeship website ( you will be able to browse, and apply for, all available apprenticeships.

Come to Careers Central opposite the Star Agency. Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays 3pm – 5pm we can look over your saved application and help you improve it if necessary.

Work experience is often a great way to get a foot inside a company you may like to work for; we do sometimes have students who have done just this and then had an offer of an apprenticeship.

Often, finding the employer yourself is a great way to obtain an apprenticeship. Use all contacts you can; family, friends, friends of friends, previous work experience placements and existing part time jobs? Some employers may not have considered offering an apprenticeship previous to giving you a valuable work experience opportunity. Once you have found an employer just let us know and we can arrange for our employer engagement team to do the rest.

Última alteração: quarta-feira, 6 de março de 2019 às 13:00