Qube Frequently Asked Questions

I can't log in
My password has expired and I can't get on to Qube
My students can't see the course I expect them to

I have a large file to upload (>50 Mb)
I want to share resources between courses
I want to use mathematical symbols in my course
I have just uploaded a document to replace an out of date one but Qube is still displaying the old one
I have several cohorts of students on my course but I want each group to see a different set of resources
How can I send a message on Qube to a group of students in one go?
Students say Qube was down over the weekend so they couldn't do their homework

I can't log in

Staff and students login to Qube with the same username and password they use for the college network. If you are doing this and still can't login please contact the IT Helpdesk (01279 868090 during college hours). More info...

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My password has expired and I can't get on to Qube.

If you are in college you can change your password when you log in to the college network. If you are out of the college, please login at https://portal.office.com using your college email address and your current password. You will be prompted to update your expired password. Once this has been updated you will be able to use this password to login to Qube.

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My students can't see the course I expect them to

In general, in order to see a course on Qube:
a) students must be enrolled on the course and
b)the course must be visible (check the availability parameter in your course settings block - it must be "available to students")

However it is possible to link course codes together so that students on different codes all see the same course - see I want to share resources between courses with different codes. However, this cannot happen automatically - you need to let Barbara know your requirements (ext 8044).

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I have a large file to upload (>50 Mb)

There are ways of doing this - contact Barbara (ext 8044) for advice.

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I want to share resources between courses with different codes

You can share whole "courses" between groups of students on different codes (contact Barbara on ext 8044 to arrange this).

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I want to use mathematical symbols in Qube

1. You can add mathematical symbols to your course using MimeTex. How to use MimeTex

2. If you have MS Word 2007 or later or Powerpoint 2010 you can use the equation editor to construct equations. But you must save the equation (or whole question if you prefer) as an image file in order to insert it in a label, webpage or question in Qube. Construct equations using MS Equation editor.

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I have just uploaded a document to replace an out of date one but Qube is still displaying the old one

This is likely to be a browser caching issue: for performance reasons your browser will store a copy of recently accessed pages and display them regardless of whether they have since changed. So it's possible that your browser is not showing you an up-to-date version of the page. On some browsers pressing CTRL+F5 will temporarily bypass the cache; to clear the cache properly, follow these instructions.

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I have several cohorts of students on my course but I want each group to see a different set of resources

This can be done using groups and groupings. More details are available here - contact Barbara (ext 8044) if you need help with this.

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How can I send a message on Qube to a group of students in one go?

  1. In the people block click on Participants.
  2. Select students from the role drop down box at the top.
  3. Select the students you require by clicking the select check box (on the right). You can select all if you wish (at the bottom of the screen)
  4. At the bottom of the screen click the with selected users drop down box
  5. Select add / send a message.

You will then see a box to compose your message. You can preview it and update it if you need to make changes. When you are happy with your message click Send message.

If your students stretch over more than one screen, it’s slightly more complicated: When the compose screen appears click “keep searching” until you have selected them all (a list appears at the bottom of the screen) then compose and send the message.

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Students say Qube was down over the weekend so they couldn't do their homework

Treat this with a pinch of salt: Qube very rarely goes down over the weekend except for planned (and publicised) system maintenance. Barbara (ext 8044) should be able to confirm whether Qube was available at any specified time by checking the logs.

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Ultima modificare: Friday, 11 December 2020, 16:21