Using groups and groupings to restrict access to a particular resource or activity to a subset of students.
- In Settings / edit settings, set your course to use separate groups (under Groups about halfway down the page).
- In Settings, click Users /Groups. Make sure the Groups tab is selected, then create your groups by clicking the Create group button: eg Cohort 1, Cohort 2, Cohort 3 etc.
Put your students in the appropriate groups: click the group in the left hand column, click the Add/remove users button, select one or more students from the potential members list on the right, then click the Add button. Click the Back to groups button.
- Create your groupings: click the Groupings tab, then click Create Grouping - you just need to give it a name eg Term 1, Term 2, Term 3 and Save changes.
- For each grouping, allocate the appropriate group of people to it: click the
groups icon at the end of the line for the grouping, select required groups from the list of potential groups on the right, then click the Add button.
- Return to your course page.
- Edit any resource / activity which you want to restrict to selected groups: in common module settings, tick ‘available for group members only’, and select the appropriate grouping.(you may need to click the Show advanced button if you cannot see these options).
Pēdējās izmaiņas: ceturtdiena, 2013. gada 5. septembris, 14:38